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We're excited to announce that we are offering to running groups of 5 or more the opportunity to get together on days when the weather is not conducive for outside running.
Contact us and set up a time that works best for your group.
The Dundas Dome offers a fantastic setting for you to get in your steps while the weather outside is frightful.
4-1/2 laps = 1 mile.
We offer a walking/running season pass for the
2021-2022 dome season for $65.00. (November-April)
Individual walking or running sessions are $5.00 per person per time if you do not purchase a season pass.
The schedule for running and walking is Monday thru Friday USUALLY from 1:30 pm-3:00 pm unless a special time has been set up for your running group. Please check the daily schedule, which can be found on the front page of the web page for any last minute changes.
We will see you next Fall!!!
Do you need to get out of the house?
Check out this opportunity!
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