COVID-19 Preparedness and Response
As part of our commitment to provide a safe and healthy training environment for all participants and employees, the Dundas Dome is actively working and responding to the newest guidance outlined by the CDC regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Download full preparedness plan here.
Our goal is to resume as normal of operations as possible while doing our part to stop the spread of COVID-19. To do so, the following measures must be adhered to by all visitors of the Dundas Dome:
Participants with a fever, cough or other COVID-19 symptoms must stay home and follow CDC-recommended steps before coming to the Dome.
Upon entry of the Dundas Dome, all individuals are required to wear a mask and apply hand sanitizer upon entering the Building and entering the Dome.
Coaches and leaders should actively implement drills that allow for social distancing and maintaining a 6-foot distance between participants.
Each team is responsible to bring their own equipment to the Dome (except for nets). No equipment rentals or borrowing will be allowed.
All coaches and spectators must wear a mask when within 6 feet of athletes.
SPECTATORS...1 parent per player is now allowed for games only. Spectators are not allowed to enter the Dome at this time for all practices/scrimmages until further notice. We apologize for this inconvenience.
Teams should wait in their vehicles until 15 minutes prior to their reservation time. Strict entering and existing times will be enforced by Dome staff.
The lobby area will be closed. Participants should only use the lobby to walk in and out of the Dome, go to the restroom and to approach dome staff with questions.
Water fountains will not be available for use. Individuals are responsible for bringing their own water and coaches are encouraged to bring bottled water back-ups. The Dundas Dome will sell water $1.00 a bottle.
No high fives, hugs, handshakes, spitting, gum-chewing, or eating are allowed in the Dundas Dome.
The staff at the Dundas Dome will be practicing strict cleaning protocol before and after each group enters the Dome. All doors, door panels, and bathroom surfaces will be cleaned using proper disinfectants.
The Dundas Dome reserves the right to remove any person not following the above guidelines or otherwise risking the health and well-being of others from the premises. In the instance that an individual will not leave, the entire group they are associated with will be asked to exit the facility.
We are excited to reopen the Dundas Dome for your enjoyment! Please know that we will continue to keep track of CDC guidelines and will change our approach to Dome usage as needed.
Thank you for understanding as we all navigate the COVID-19 pandemic!